Donor gametes

When should treatment with donor gametes be used?

The indication for use of donor gametes is usually either the absence of gametes or the poor quality of gametes in the man or woman wishing to have a baby.

Donor gametes can also be used if there is a risk of transmitting hereditary diseases to the child or if the artificial insemination procedure (IVF) hasn't been successful. Donor sperm can also be used by women who do not have a male partner.

Both frozen donor sperm and frozen or fresh donor eggs can be used in fertility treatments at our centre.

Please book an appointment , if you would like a more detailed overview of the possibilities available.

Kui vajad doonorit

Our donors are healthy young men and women. In Estonia, egg and sperm donation is regulated by the ‘Artificial Insemination and Embryo Protection Act’. Gamete donation is anonymous, meaning that the couple or single woman requiring gametes does not have the right to establish the identity of the individual who donated the gametes. A child born from a donor gamete will only have access to the same information as his or her parents once they reach adulthood.

In the case of an anonymous donor, you have the right to know the general biological data of the donor – age, height, body composition, hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, blood type and Rhesus factor – as well as social data – nationality, education, marital status, and whether or not they have children.

The use of donor gametes is associated with both ethical and psychological dilemmas for both the donor and the recipient (the user of the donor gametes). Therefore, talking to a counsellor prior to using donor gametes is indicated.

All our egg and sperm donors undergo a thorough health check

Gamete donors undergo the following tests and analyses:

  • infectious diseases (HIV, TPHA + RPR, HBV, HCV, CMV, HTLV);
  • STIs: Chlamydia trachomatis; Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Trihhomonas vaginalis;
  • chromosome analysis;
  • genetic tests for cystic fibrosis and Fragile X syndrome.

All our donors are councelled by doctors and nurses throughout the donation process.

At our centre, it is possible to use both donor eggs and donor sperm. To get more detailed overview, please book an appointment.

külmutatud embrüod
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We are open Mon - Fri from 8am to 4pm

Book an appointment:

+372 666 5888

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